Working Of Gear Pump

Fig: 1.
Don't Click Here: A hydraulic gear pump is explained in this topic with pics & videos. This pump is commonly used in  construction equipments (back hoe loaders/excavator loaders).
The fig: 1 shows a gear pump and the video explains the working of a single suction double delivery hydraulic gear pump.--Technical Videos--
Which are the main components of a Gear pump?Don't Click Here:
  1. Casing.
  2. Driving gear.
  3. Driven gear. 
  4. Wear plates
  5. Seals.
Casing: as shown in the  fig: 1, both the driving gear and the driving gear is fixed inside the casing.
Driving gear: as shown in the fig: 1, the driving gear is shown at the top, it is called the driving gear as the drive from the engine is reaching this gear.
Driven gear: this is called the driven gear as the driving gear drives this gear.
Wear plates:  which keeps the clearances of the gears precise.
The hydraulic pump weights about 21kg.

Working of a gear pump:Don't Click Here:
As shown in the fig: 1 the driving gear takes the drive from the engine and rotates, as it is linked with the driven gear it also rotates. The upper gear in fig:1, (driving gear) when rotates in clock wise direction the driven gear rotates in the opposite direction (anti clockwise), in the left side of the casing as indicated in blue. At the point where the teethes disengages a low pressure is created and hydraulic oil (fluid) gets sucked from the hydraulic strainer (inlet) and where the gears engage it pushes the oil (outlet) out as the gears engages.
One both sides of the gears we have the wear plates as shown in fig: 3.which keeps the clearances of the gears precise, you can see two recess on the wear plate one on input and output side. It has a function to serve. In the input side it helps to increase the cavitation threshold and on the out put side helps to release the hydraulic oil trapped at the out put side. 
Showing a single suction double delivery pump on the left.

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